Friday, July 21, 2006

Lose Body Control

I am in a fucking great mood because of this:

...and this:
so I'm posting a bunch of songs:

Missy Elliot and M.A.N.D.Y. - Lose Body Control (In Tha Club)

Mylo - Guilty of Love

The first so should've made Blogarhythm. Around a minute something a really perfect synth comes in that just slays me. You know that shit would rage if you turned up the filter freq a bit. So nice.

The second because of Mylo tonight - holla yes.

Last night I put on the Prima Norsk 3 space disco comp and it turned out to be pretty exceptional. I expect to listen to this as much as I have been to Alexander Robotnik's discotech compilation (i.e. a lot). Not everything on this sounded like Lindstrom & Prins Thomas or Todd Terje. Some stuff was admittedly quirky, but crazy interesting. For example this song:

Olav Brekke & Sideshow Jogge - Gul Boss

It's like nordic, but has little italo bits, as well as a very Thriller-sounding bassline. Sick!


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