Monday, July 31, 2006

Full disclosure

Every time I hear a good mix, I always wonder 'is that just the song or is the DJ really doing something?' I'm all mixed-out for a while, but I'll put up here a screenshot of my recent web mix so you can know how much of each track you're hearing (gets bigger if you click on it):

I'm cooking up something interesting in Reaktor - it's taking a lot of thinking because I'm not a programmer. Right now it's cumbersome and takes a lot of processor power (and it doesn't work), but soon! Hope to be done next week and I will post it here. Oh yeah, I can't tell you what it is. It should be useful for laptop DJs, however.

If you're after mixes, Hockey just dropped a sick one so "kop dat shit". Also TAPE has the Richard Carnage mix and the new Nightmoves mix. I'm too scared to check Skulljuice.

Here is an actual unmixed mp3 that you can play with:

Cylob - Sex Machine


Blogger Perpetual Rain said...

It's your inconsistency in posts that I find most amusing, going from ingesting Sizzurp to talking about creating useful DJ scripts (in the mac env none-the less!). I have often shared the same thoughts about DJ mixes if they actually sat there and mixed or how much of the mix is pre-mixed, it's almost like you should have to post a screen shot (nice PB shot by the way, you are allowed to change the desktop background you know) of you mix to prove you mixing aptitude, as like a benchmark for scenster points. That way all the digital whores know who to flock too.....anywyas, mix is tizzight.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:53 PM  

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